Increasing access to Center –Based Early childhood learning offers a critical window of opportunity to shape the A child’s relationships and experiences during the early years greatly influence how their brain grows”. This contributes to a child’s holistic development and build a foundation for their future. For children to achieve their full potential, as is their human right, they need health care and nutrition, protection from harm and a sense of security, opportunities for early learning, and responsive caregiving like talking, singing and playing with parents and caregivers who love them. All of this is needed to nourish developing brains and fuel growing bodies. With all the above benefits, ACFP has continued to offer learning opportunities for children aged 3-5 years in our community supported ECDs.

Currently ACFP is implementing the RPPM model (Responsive Protective and Positive Parenting Model) Targeting infants and young children aged 0-5 years of age for them to realize age appropriate holistic development milestones across the components of the nurturing Caregiving Framework the model is implemented by Community facilitators through the caregiver group sessions.

Our ECD program approach is community support by parents and run by parents. As development actor in the education we have tailored our investment in ECD through the following approaches.

  • Supported Community activities that promote early education programs and early learning.
  • Assessment and ongoing monitoring of childcare providers this include technical support visits by education departments in the districts of Gulu, Kitgum and Agago.
  • Capacity development for ECD center Management Committee and caregivers
  • Support community Mobilization towards the ECDs by parents among others
  • Support child growth monitoring for all children
  • Provision of learning Materials and play materials both indoor and out door
  • Build the capacity of parents to develop home-made play materials that encourage learning through play among others.